Annual Report


If I had known of these programmes earlier and the value of them, I would have attended years ago
I learnt strategies on how to deal with my babies (kids) in a nice way. Letting them have a say and feel the love from me
The programme helped me to understand how my behaviour affected my ex-partner and children


A total of 24 families including 30 adults and 52 children accessed the emergency transitional housing service and women’s safe house. Where possible families were supported into social housing; private rentals and returning to whanau and friends.


730 referrals were received for education related services, including 671 adults and 59 children. These totals cover across all services from Family Violence to Parenting, Safety, Ready to Rent and others that aim to improve safety and or well-being.


249 referrals were received for advocacy and support services with majority being supported with needs assesment and supporting plans.